May 22, 2010

Hooping FAQ

rainbowfrogs77 Hooping FAQ!

This blog post if MASSIVE! And I will be adding more too it.

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Q: How do your hoops fold up? They look like two hoops in the picture.
A: All of my hoops fold infinity (figure 8) style. Twist, a little inspection, a push or pull if needed, then bring top to bottom to fold up. They have no bungees and are solid. They fold on the ridges of the connectors. I've seen too many hoops bust open in mid-air and I do not work with bungee hoops for this reason.

Here is my current youtube video for how to fold and unfold my hoops:

Q: I will be folding and unfolding my hoop A LOT! What type should I get.
A: Four connector collapsible in either 1/2" 125psi, 3/4" 100psi or 3/4" 160psi tubing.

Q: My hoop won't flatten. What's up with that?
A: The properties of some of the tubing are a little stingy at times. There are a few things I do when my hoops are being stubborn.
1.) Beat it into submission. If you stand on the bottom of the hoop with one foot and firmly yet gently yank up and down on it. Continue this all around the circle.
2.) Eyeball it. Hold the hoop out in front of you and adjust at each connector. Continue around the circle as many times as needed. Mostly this method is for four connector hoops.
3.) Give it a bath. Place the hoops in the tub in hot water(not boiling hot). Rotate the hoop every 2 mintues or so. Afterwards the tubing will be pliable enough to shape the hoop easier. Be careful as this method may make the tubing pull off the connectors.
4.) Give it a little sun. Set your hoop out, as flat as it will go, in direct sunlight for 10-15-10 mintues. Keep an eye on it. It may flatten out by itself but will become more pliable just as the bathtub method.
5.) Put it in time out. If your car can accomidate your unfolded hoop then place it inside either somewhat upright or laying flat. The same rules apply for the sunshine and bathtub methods, but I have been able to fix kinks in this way by leaving the hoop in the car for an extended period of time on a 85 degree day and then letting it cool down afterwards before hooping. The kinks are not perfectly fixed but become harder to find/see.

Q: I'm using a hoop for a project and want it to warp and twist and mangle.
A: One connector hoop in either 1/2" 125psi or 3/4" 100psi tubing.

Q: I want to use my hoop as a loom....any ideas?
A: I've seen this done but not yet had the chance to do it. I would recommend a 3/4" 160psi tubing hoop. It's more durable and holds it shape well. One connector if you're not going to fold it up that often, four connectors if you're going to fold it and put it in storage for extended periods of time when not in use.

Q: I need about 10,000 hoops. How many do you have in stock?
A: I list approx. amounts in all the listings in my etsy store. I'm not sure I could make you that 10,000 (unless I had half of the payment up front for materials :D ) but I do have easy access to tubing, so I buy it as needed and usually have much more hanging about in the workshop. Custom orders/medium-large orders are better to send me a message anyways as I can calculate your shipping easier for you as well in this manner. Otherwise hoop shipping in my Etsy store is set for orders that are approx. 1-3 hoops in size.

Q: I'm using my hoop specifically for weight loss. Which one is best for me.
A: This question is touchy. Just as with any other type of exercise you can lose weight with a hoop. When I first started hooping I set out to learn it and lose weight and I did lose around 60 pounds doing it over the span of about 5 months. I was also on a low salt, low fat, restricted type of diet and I was a former track athlete in high school (I also was a cheerleader and did some gymnastics). Everyone's body and muscle memory is DIFFERENT! It's best to check with you doctor, physician, nutrionist, fitness coach before starting any daily workout plans. Once you have your goals, done a little homework, check out the online hooping communities, etc, send me a message and we can go over a few things to help get you fitted for a hoop and on your way to getting that "hoopers" body.

Q: How are single connector hoops different from four connector hoops?
A: Single connector hoops fold up simply for shipping convienence. Once they are unfolded it is best to keep them that way for the rest of their lifespans. Four connector hoops are made to be travel hoops. Folded, unfolded, taken on trips, as carry-on, stored in the closet, etc. Please note that 1" hoops are made into four connector hoops as well but should still be left UNFOLDED for the bulk of their lifespans. One inch hoops are workout hoops, very heavy and the nature of the tubing simply does not allow for much flexibility. They go through a heat treat process before they are shipped out and while they are very durable they can still buckle if left folded for too long, or in heat, or direct sunlight. They are also a bit of a pain in the butt to fold up, even for me, and I've done it a lot.


Almost everything you ever wanted to know about tubing (I'll have more information on tubing and diameters in my hoop generator which is currently in development. It's fun, it's funky, it's flash! Point and click. 123. But for now, here is what I have.)

1/2" 125psi tubing - Light weight. Folds and unfolds easily. Great for kids hoops, isolation work, sustained spinning, advanced hooping.

3/4" 100psi tubing - The typical choice for most hoopers. This is your typical dance hoop. If your aim in hooping is hoop dance, tricks, walking around the yard with it, jammin to music, spinning like crazy man...craaaazyyy, running with the hoops, skipping/jumping/sumersaults... then this is usually your hoop. It's still pretty light, folds and unfolds easily and gets you closer to that 1/2" 125psi dream hoop.

3/4" 160psi tubing - A little heavy. This is your typical, stationary hooping...hoop. In-home workouts, limited and/or basic tricks. Folds and unfolds with a little bit of pressure. Targeted core workouts are usually best with this hoop and this is a great hoop if you consider yourself not very "hoop savvy". I also find that most guys prefer this hoop. It goes around a little slower but is somewhat easier to keep up and spinning around yourself.

1" 100psi tubing - Heavy, thick. Larger body frames tend to prefer the 1" tubing if they don't want to go with a 3/4" 160psi. Becuase of the weight and thickness I recommend this hoop if you're not going to do anything that involves the hoop going near your face. No throwing, overhead lifting, etc. I recommend this hoop for standing workouts only. Working up a sweat with the hoop around your waist. I use one of these when I'm standing in my tiny living room just watching television in the winter time.

1" 160psi tubing - Holey Moley! This stuff is the heaviest tubing I carry. It's an ultra, mega workout hoop. The same rules apply for this tubing as the 1" 100psi I have listed above. I only carry this in the naked hoops and I recommend covering it with something spongey, squishy, padded. Around the waist, around the waist, around the waist. It will get your heart pumping, just watch out for bruises. I was using one of these once and forgot how heavy it was until I let it work it's way up to around my chest....ouchies.

Hoop diameter!!!- (I will have more in-depth information in the hoop generator. Soon to come...)

Basic sizing information - Most hoopers prefer a hoop that is the diameter of the measurement from their solar plexus to the ground. If that seems too large you can always go with a measurement from your belly button to the ground too, as that seems to also work good as well. It's entirely up to you. If you feel it's too big, maybe it is, maybe it isn't, maybe it needs to be even bigger. The biggest factor in hooping diameter is time. Until you find youre comfort zone, hooping style, flow, etc then there is a good chance your hoop needs will grow. Sometimes this means that your hoop will grow too and sometimes it means it will shrink. When I first began hooping I used a 42"-44" in 3/4" 100psi. I now do most of my hooping with a 32" 3/4" 100psi hoop for faster exercise, 38" 1/2" 125psi hoop for most casual hooping/experimenting/practicing and a 40"-42" 3/4" 100psi hoop for gatherings/traveling/etc.

There are some other aspects to consider as well. If you are advancing, replacing your current hoop becuase you are having hoopy issues with it, looking to divide and conquer particular types of hoop dance, are very slender/tall/chunky/big boned(my personal problem)/short/vision-balance-etc impaired/pregnant(yes indeedy I've seen pregnant hoopers:) ) or any other little something you think may impact picking out a hoop size please send me a message as there are so many things I could write here in different bullets and catagories that my fingers just may fall off a bit.

Other Hooping Questions? - I could fill a book with the hooping information I've acquired since I started making hoops. I've tried writing it all down several times but there's just so much ever growing information it's hard to get it all in here at the moment. I will update this as often as possible. I may move it, but I'm sticking to my guns this time and compiling information at a steady pace. As steady as she goes.

All of my information here is from my own experience, blisters, calluses, trial and error, what my friends have told me about their hoop experience, my wonderful customers, my awesome hooping buddies, various instructionals/videos, and too many beautful hoopers to even begin to mention.

For even more hooping information visit the internet super-hooper-community at: has countless articles, information, forums, hoopers, weblinks, pictures, and everything you ever wanted to know but where afraid to ask about hooping. You'll find all the big wigs and little wigs of the hoop community there.

Also try Sandra SaFire's hoop community:

It's a space and place for hoopers. Sandra has video instructionals/classes/etc etc. Her internet hooping video is the reason I got started hooping. I'm not sure how she does all that she does...but she does!! Thank goodness she does!